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Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

GoodBoyBadminton - Kartu Mati (Official Music Video)

gara-gara kembang api , hati-hati yaa

Pesta kembang api Natal tahun ini melukai sedikitnya 100 orang di Argentina, namun berkurang dari tahun lalu. Melalui sambungan telepon, pejabat medis setempat, dokter Miriam Mino mengungkapkan selusin yang cedera dirawat karena luka bakar di Rumah Sakit Quernado di Buenos Aires. Termasuk, seorang anak 11 tahun yang menderita luka bakar parah di bahunya akibat petasan. Dia mencatat bahwa jumlah korban cedera sejauh ini masih kurang tiga persen dari yang tercatat pada 2009.
Sementara 50 orang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Mata Santa Lucia. Delapan di antara mereka menderita luka serius. Dokter Pablo Pauloni mencatat, tiga anak termasuk yang menderita luka parah. Adapun Rumah sakit Mata Pedro Lagleyze merawat 15 pasien lainnya. Termasuk, tiga orang yang dirawat di rumah sakit itu untuk operasi karena luka bakar dan luka akibat petasan serta kembang api.
Seorang anak muda dari enam korban dalam keadaan koma setelah petasan menghantam kepalanya di Cordoba, 700 kilometer utara Buenos Aires. Di Rosario, 300 kilometer utara ibu kota, 13 orang terluka, termasuk karena luka tembakan.
Sementara itu, kembang api kuat memicu kebakaran pada sebelas rumah di Buenos Aires, namun tidak ada korban yang dilaporkan. Di jalan-jalan raya, empat pengendara motor tewas dalam kecelakaan lalu lintas di negara itu antara Jumat malam dan Sabtu pagi. Demikian diungkapkan pihak kepolisian seperti dilaporkan AFP.(ANS/Ant)

lagi-lagi geng motor -____-"

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,BANDUNG -- Naas nasib Sopi Sopian (20). Anggota Klub Motor Moonraker asal Kp Cicocok RT 01/03, Desa Citatah, Kecamatan Cipatat, Bandung Barat harus meregang nyawa setelah dibacok salah satu geng motor, di Kota Baru Parahyangan, Bandung Barat, Ahad (26/12) dini hari.
Riki Bukir (25), salah seorang saksi mata, mengatakan, kejadian tersebut terjadi sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB Ahad dini hari. Saat itu, korban sedang bersama puluhan rekannya mengadakan syuting dengan salah satu TV swasta. "Kami sedang syuting prestasi kami. Tiba-tiba ada lima motor menyerang," kata Riki saat ditemui usai menunggu janazah di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin.
Sebelumnya, kata dia, lima motor yang terdiri dari puluhan orang itu memprovokasi dengan melemparkan botol dan batu. Namun, pihaknya di Klub Moonraker lebih memilih diam. "Tapi mereka makin menjadi-jadi, akhirnya kami melawan," jelas dia.
Saat melawan itulah, gang motor yang diakui bernama XTC tersebut langsung membacokkan pedangnya ke kepala bagian kiri Handoko, rekan Sopi. Mengetahui aksi itu, Sopi langsung melerai. "Tapi malah Sopi yang dadanya ditusuk hingga empat tusukan, sehingga dia tewas. Sedangkan handoko kepalanya dijahit."
Sebenarnya, lanjut Riki, acara tersebut sudah dikawal dua orang petugas kepolisian. Hanya saja, dua polisi itu tidak dilengkapi dengan persenjataan. Sehingga saat kejadian, mereka tak bisa berbuat banyak. Sementara, setelah membacok, lima motor geng motor itu langsung melarikan diri.

Ular Piton Terjepit di Bawah Mobil

Ular Piton Terjepit di Bawah Mobil, Medan: Seekor ular piton dengan panjang dua meter terjepit di bawah roda mobil milik seorang warga di Jalan Sutrisno, Medan, Sumatra Utara, Rabu (22/12) malam. Peristiwa ini pun membuat heboh warga karena proses evakuasi ular itu berlangsung alot.
Ratusan warga mengerumuni mobil yang di bawahnya terdapat ular. Bukan sebuah peristiwa kriminal yang membuat warga heboh melainkan adanya seekor piton yang terjepit di bawah roda mobil. Saking ramainya warga yang datang, arus lalu lintas pun sempat macet.
Diduga ular masuk ke kolong mobil saat pemiliknya berwisata di tepi laut Percut, Deli Serdang. Meski segala upaya dilakukan, minimnya alat dan posisi ular yang terjepit membuat evakuasi selama dua jam gagal. Pemilik akhirnya membawa mobil ke bengkel untuk menyelamatkan ular itu.(JUM)

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Fireflies lyric

You Would Not Believe Your Eyes
If Ten Million fireflies
Lit Up The World As I fell Asleep
Cuz They fill The Open Air
And Leave Teardrops Everywhere
You Think Me Rude
But I Would Just Stand And Stare

Id Like To Make Myself Believe
That Planet Earth Turns Slowly
Its Hard To Say That Id Rather Stay Awake When Im Asleep
Cuz Everything Is Never As It Seems

Cuz I Get A Thousand Hugs
from Ten Thousand Lightning Bugs
As They Try To Teach Me How To Dance
A foxtrot Above My Head
A Sockhop Beneath My Bed
The Disco Ball Is Just Hanging By A Thread Thread

Id Like To Make Myself Believe
That Planet Earth Turns Slowly
Its Hard To Say That Id Rather Stay Awake When Im Asleep
Cuz Everything Is Never As It Seems When I fall Asleep

Leave My Door Open Just A Crack
Please Take Me Away from Here
Cuz I feel Like Such An Insomniac
Please Take Me Away from Here
Why Do I Tire Of Counting Sheep?
Please Take Me Away from Here
When Im far To Tired To fall Asleep

To Ten Million fireflies
Im Weird Cuz I Hate Goodbyes
I Got Misty Eyes As They Said farewell Said farewell
But I Know Where Several Are
If My Dreams Get Real Bizarre
Cuz I Saved A few And I Keep Em In A Jar

Id Like To Make Myself Believe
That Planet Earth Turns Slowly
Its Hard To Say That Id Rather Stay Awake When Im Asleep
Cuz Everything Is Never As It Seems When I fall Asleep

Id Like To Make Myself Believe
That Planet Earth Turns Slowly
Its Hard To Say That Id Rather Stay Awake When Im Asleep
Cuz Everything Is Never As It Seems When I fall Asleep

Id Like To Make Myself Believe
That Planet Earth Turns Slowly
Its Hard To Say That Id Rather Stay Awake When Im Asleep
Because My Dreams Are Bursting At The Seams

Take A Bowa lyric

Oh, how about a round of applause?
Yeah, standing ovation’ Ooh, oh yeah
Yeah y-yeah yeah

 You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You’re so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out

Don’t tell me you’re sorry ’cause you’re not
And baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show, really had me going
But now it’s time to go, curtain’s finally closing
That was quite a show, very entertaining
But it’s over now
(But it’s over now)
Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on
Talking’ ’bout, ‘Girl, I love you,” “You’re the one”
This just looks like a rerun
Please, what else is on?

Don’t tell me you’re sorry ’cause you’re not
And baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show, really had me going
But now it’s time to go, curtain’s finally closing
That was quite a show, very entertaining
But it’s over now
(But it’s over now)
Go on and take a bow

Oh, and the award for the best liar goes to you
(Goes to you)
For making me believe that you could be faithful to me
Let’s hear your speech out

How about a round of applause?
A standing ovation?

But you put on quite a show, really had me going
Now it’s time to go, curtain’s finally closing
That was quite a show, very entertaining
But it’s over now
(But it’s over now)
Go on and take a bow
But it’s over now

No Air lyrics

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?

If I should die before I wake
It's 'cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air, oh

I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
My heart won't move, it's incomplete
If there was a way that I could make you understand

But how do you expect me
To live alone with just me?
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon' be without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
There's no air, no air

No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air

I walk, I ran, I jump, I flew
Right off the ground to float to you
With no gravity to hold me down for real

But somehow I'm still alive inside
You took my breath but I survived
I don't how but I don't even care

So how do you expect me
To live alone with just me?
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon' be without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
There's no air, no air

No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air

No more
There's no air, no air
No air, oh!

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon' be without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
There's no air, no air

(No air)
(No air)
(No air)
(No air)

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon' be without me?
If you ain't here I just can't breathe
There's no air, no air

No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air